Suitable to join aluminium sheets without the use of classic staples, but with double-sided tape. Used in the steel industry.
Technical specifications:
- Maximum operating speed: 120 m/1’
- Material thickness: 0.14 ÷ 0.4 mm
- Useful working range: 700-1100mm
- Joining time: about 20 sec
- Pull on material during processing: 15 ÷ 30 N/mm2
The module comprises:
- Main support structure complete with protective casings;
- Sturdy table to support and lay the foil during joining, equipped with a suction area to keep the material in place (in particular, when the adhesive tape is laid);
- Cross stroke device for the optimised application of the double-sided adhesive layer on the first sheet;
- Off-line parking for service operations and preparation of the pre-cut and positioned adhesive sheet;
- Trolley device with special roller for gripping, pinching and aligning the new sheet, transport into position and application on the adhesive area with contact pressure to ensure strong and solid grip;
- Cross-cutting foil alignment device with manual control;
- Punching unit with pneumatic shearing control to make a central hole on the output sheet for signalling junction along the path (with integrated scraps collector);
The electric and pneumatic equipment to operate and control the group is included.